A study published by the Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine concludes acupuncture treatments can indeed help treat the common cold. The study followed 187 participants based on the onset of when the cold occurred. The participants were divided into two groups. The first group reported an onset time of cold symptoms within 36 hours and the second group reported an onset of symptoms greater than 36 hours.  Both groups showed significant decreases in symptoms, as well as cold duration. This study demonstrates how receiving acupuncture treatments can shorten the length of time a person deals with the common cold and its symptoms.

Everybody has suffered from the common cold at some point along this journey called life. The common cold is an acute viral infection that affects the throat and nasal passages. Symptoms of a cold may include headaches, fatigue, a sore throat, nasal congestion, sneezing, a runny nose, and coughing. With the normal progression of a cold, the throat symptoms, such as coughing, tend to be worse around the fifth day, while the nasal symptoms are nearing the end of their duration. Overall, the symptoms of the common cold tend to last about seven to 10 days. The typical treatment for a cold is to make sure you are getting plenty of sleep, taking in enough fluids and using steam to break up the mucus in the nasal passages. Because the common cold is caused by a viral infection, the virus must be allowed to run its course, while the symptoms are merely managed.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) takes a different approach though. It utilizes modalities like acupuncture, cupping and herbal formulas that can dramatically decrease the severity of symptoms and time that somebody suffers from a cold.

The practice of acupuncture is supposed to be used as preventive medicine. Not to say acupuncture can’t be used to treat already existing ailments, because it can, and it works very well in this capacity, but isn’t it better to avoid getting sick than to wait until the ailment is already affecting you? This is where acupuncture can help. Regular acupuncture treatments can increase your immunity, which will help fight off any disease, including the common cold. Acupuncture also helps decrease stress which can be a key factor in any disease. Studies indicate when the body is relaxed and not stressed, the immune system functions more efficiently.

Cupping, another technique utilized in TCM, helps boost the immune system. Cupping creates negative pressure that suctions the skin into the cup. This action causes the cells in the body to develop a greater number of receptors on the surface that can better respond to an enzyme known as heme oxygenase 1. This enzyme acts as an antioxidant that protects your body against harmful elements like the common cold virus.           

TCM also uses herbs to prevent and treat many ailments, including the common cold.  For instance, herbs like licorice root, also known as Gan Cao in TCM, can be used to treat a cough. It also has the ability to boost the immune system and help get rid of mucus in the respiratory tract. Cinnamon, or Gui Zhi, is another commonly used herb that helps ward off the common cold.

With all this evidence, it makes perfect sense to start using Traditional Chinese Medicine as a method of preventing the common cold.


Almost everyone deals with the Common Cold today. If you were to ask a hundred people on how to avoid catching the cold, you will get a hundred different answers, everything from Vitamin C to sleeping. While some of the ideas aren’t bad ideas, there isn’t a lot of evidence on how they prevent you from catching the cold. You will find some people who have a strong immune system and others they don’t. One thing to also consider is your environment, for example if you work in a call center or office, you are more likely to catch it then if you work in a warehouse or other type jobs. Nothing will work 100% of the time with everyone.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has existed for almost 3,000 years and has many branches to help people stay healthy. In TCM there is 6 different ways to cause a disease: wind, cold, summer heat, dryness, dampness and fire. In order to remain healthy the body has to adapt to the changes in these elements. Wind is the most common cause of the cold, due to sudden or abnormal changes in the weather. Wind will generally combine with other elements to cause different illness. The most common are wind cold and wind heat.

Wind cold invasions are the type of colds that you usually experience during winter. During the warmer months you might get a cold that is caused by wind heat, when the seasons change from spring into summer and summer into fall.

TCM has proven over the centuries to be very effective in treating people who suffer from frequent colds. The human body has shown that it has the capabilities to fight off bacteria and viruses. But once in awhile when someone is under a lot of stress or not getting enough sleep or has a poor diet, their immune system can become compromised and a cold may develop. TCM emphasizes prevention through the use of acupuncture, herbal formulas, diet and exercise (Tai Chi and Qi Gong).alexandre-chambon-157651

When a person gets regular acupuncture is can increase their immune system, making it easier to fight off any foreign invaders. Herbs such as angelica root is also frequently prescribed to rid body of viruses. Andrographis or Chuan Xin Lian in Chinese is another herb that is frequently used because it reduces the severity of cold symptoms while strengthening the immune system. Forsythia fruit or Lian Qiao, is another herb that is used frequently to treat the common cold.

In TCM there are other things that can be done to help prevent the common cold. Covering the back of the neck is beneficial. The nape of the neck is thought to be the entry point of many viruses. Keeping this area covered when it is windy, or cold may help keep a person from getting sick. Another good recommendation is to eat according to the season, so has the weather gets colder, one should eat more warming foods. There are several websites that you can find out what the temperature of each food is.

The last thing that may be beneficial in prevention of colds is exercise. To keep the energy flowing throughout the body, it is necessary to move. This is where practicing Tai Chi or Qi Gong comes in. Both Tai Chi and Qi Gong are very easy to learn and the practices are low impact. Tai Chi is even being used around the globe in senior home to help the residents regain balance and keep them healthy, both mentally and physically.


If you want to increase your chances of fighting of the common cold, call us today at Master Lu’s Health Center and come in to start defending your health.

Fall is here and winter is soon coming.  With the weather turning colder the season is here when you may catch a cold or get the flu.  There are several different remedies to help with colds and flu that work well.  Acupuncture and Chinese medicine offers several different natural remedies that you can do to help you with your cold or flu.

Chinese medicine is all about prevention.  It is important to build your body up so you don’t get sick and catch a cold.  Acupuncture has been shown to help improve your immune system.  If you got regular acupuncture treatments even when you are not sick, the treatments will help prevent you catching a cold.  Your body will be strong enough to fight the virus on its own.

Bladder Health Chinese Medicine

Chinese medicine is also about balance in your life.  Causes of disease in Chinese medicine includes overwork, lack of sleep or too much, lack of exercise or too much exercise, over thinking, and improper diet. When we do anything that is out of balance whether it is too much work or lack of exercise we will be more apt to get sick or catch a cold.  When we live in more of a balanced way it will be easier for your body to prevent from having the common cold.

If in the case you do catch a cold,  acupuncture and Chinese herbs are very effective.  Acupuncture and Chinese herbs will help you overcome the cold quicker and with less side effects than taking medications.  The Chinese herbs that are effective for the cold and flu are both anti-viral and anti-bacterial herbs.  In Chinese medicine terms they clear wind heat or cold.   When you take Chinese herbs for the common cold you may feel results within a day or two.

In acupuncture we look at what channel is effected. The Lung channel is typically affected when you have a cold.  We will use acupuncture points that help with the lung channel and other points to clear wind and if you have either heat signs or cold signs.   Acupuncture will also help your immune system so your cold will not come back.

Health Center Utah

Some other things that will help with the common cold or flu is drinking warm water.  Do not drink cold water with ice for the time being until your cold is gone.  If you have sore throat you can drink lemon tea or if you are experiencing chills you can drink ginger tea.  All of these simple remedies will help you overcome your cold and feel better.

If you are experiencing a lingering cold and flu, feel fee to contact Master Lu’s Health Center in Salt Lake City anytime to schedule an appointment! 801-463-1101

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Master Lu has been practicing Acupuncture and Chinese martial arts for over 40 years. He was one of the first Licensed Acupuncturist in the state of Utah. He was trained in Taiwan in both Acupuncture and Chinese martial arts mainly Northern Shaolin Kung Fu and Old Yang Style Tai Chi. Master Lu was also twice national champion for full contact fighting in Taiwan.

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