Migraines affect about 10% of people worldwide.[1] Anyone who suffers from migraines can tell you, as far as headaches go, migraines are in a class of their own. In general, migraines tend to be one-sided with severe pain, but what differentiates a migraine from other headaches are the accompanying symptoms that can include visual disturbances, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, and even temporary paralysis. Western medicine subdivides and categorizes migraines based on symptomatology.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has its own subdivisions for migraines based on etiology and symptomatology. If you are someone that suffers from migraines, can you relate to any of these categories?

External Wind

In Chinese Medicine, external wind refers to forces of energy affecting us from the outside of the body and are often related to the invasion of bacteria and viruses when our immune system gets overwhelmed. If you have suffered from migraines triggered by the onset of a cold or flu, then you have experienced a migraine brought on by external wind. Accompanying symptoms can include a stiff neck, body aches, chills, fever, sore throat, congestion, and mild dizziness.

Liver Excess

This is a big category, as liver pathology expresses itself in various ways. The liver in Chinese medicine is a very important organ for its role in keeping qi (energy) flowing smoothly. Blood follows qi, so while blood stagnation is in another category of its own, one of the root imbalances that can lead to that are issues with liver function.

Women are 3 times more likely to experience migraines[2] which is thought to be due to hormone fluctuations. The liver also regulates menstruation, according to TCM, so migraines related to cyclical hormone changes will generally fall under this category too.

Migraines related to Liver qi stagnation may come with an expanding/distending feeling and will often be triggered by stress and/or hormonal changes.

There is sometimes heat accumulation in the liver as well. Liver fire-type migraines can be identified by red, burning eyes, and occasionally labored breathing.

When the excess liver energy rises in the body, we call it: Liver yang up and you may be dealing with this if you experience dizziness, a bitter taste in the mouth, and find yourself short-tempered with a flushed face. If you have high blood pressure and/or ear ringing that goes along with your migraine, you may fall into this category as well.

Since excess liver energy will often ‘attack’ the digestion, Liver excess-type migraines may also include symptoms like gas, belching, and acid reflux.

Qi and Blood Deficiency

There are many reasons the body can be in a deficient state. Genetic, environmental, and lifestyle reasons abound. Simply put though, if your migraines come along with extreme fatigue and exhaustion and possibly a pale complexion, you could fall into this category.

Blood Stagnation

When we think of blood stagnation in Chinese Medicine, the main symptom we think of is pain. These tend to be the most severe migraines. Pain is sharp, in a fixed location, persistent, and steady. There may be associated memory loss and palpitations. These are also common with a history of head injury.

Retention of Cold, Damp, or Phlegm

Some digestive symptoms were mentioned in relation to liver pathology, but someone who presents with an excess of damp or phlegm may have more extreme digestive issues such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. These may be relieved by the warmth if the body is also retaining cold energy. Also, while wind-type and ‘liver yang up’ migraines may be accompanied by some dizziness, with a phlegm buildup in the body it would be more pronounced, along with heavier sensations in the head.

No matter what is causing your migraine, acupuncture can help! Get in for a series of treatments that will rebalance these patterns and help keep you migraine-free. Call us today!

[1] https://www.medscape.com/answers/1142556-170220/what-is-the-global-prevalence-of-migraine-headache

[2] https://migrainebuddy.com/understanding-migraines-the-gender-divide/

Back pain is one of the most expensive and exhausting ailments of our time. It’s the 6th most costly condition in the United States, costing Americans at least 50 billion in health care costs each year (let alone the cost of missed work due to disability). [1] It is the third most common reason for a visit to the doctor’s office (behind skin disorders and osteoarthritis joint issues).[2]  For Acupuncturists, it is the #1 reason people show up at their door. [3]

So, does it really work? For those that turn to acupuncture, they can rest assured they are increasing their odds of finding relief. Acupuncture has been found to be effective for chronic pain, including low back pain. Not only is acupuncture more clinically effective than no treatment at short-term follow-ups that looked at measures of pain relief and functional improvement [4]acupuncture was found to be substantially better than standard care in a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials that included around 20,000 patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain.[5]

Acupuncture is also safe. In a cumulative review of more than 1 million acupuncture treatments, the risk of a serious adverse event with acupuncture was estimated to be 0.05 per 10,000 treatments and 0.55 per 10,000 individual patients. The most common side effects were minor and included bleeding at the needle site and localized needling pain.[6]

So how does sticking needles at the various points in the body help to alleviate back pain? The explanation according to Acupuncture theory involves the movement of stuck energy (qi) and blood in the body. Points along various energy channels are used to open pathways and redirect ‘traffic’ to promote a healthy flow of qi and blood. Western biomedical research looks at acupuncture’s effects on the nervous, immune, and endocrine systems. It has been shown that the stimulation with acupuncture needles produces an analgesic effect through the release of endorphins, dopamine, endogenous cannabinoids (some of the body’s natural painkillers), and anti-inflammatory substances as well as the inhibition of pro-inflammatory factors.[7]

And does it last? The beneficial effects of acupuncture do, in fact. persist beyond the course of treatment. In a meta-analysis of around 18,000 patients with chronic pain, 90% of the pain-relieving effects were maintained at 1 year out. [8]

As far as cost-effectiveness, acupuncture scores again. In one study in Canada, low back pain patients divided into 2 groups (201 patients receiving acupuncture and 804 patients not receiving acupuncture) were evaluated for the number of medical doctor visits required for treatment of their low back pain. The acupuncture patients saw their doctors 49% less after having acupuncture compared with the year prior to having acupuncture. Non-acupuncture patients had a decrease of only 2%. [9]  The WHO officially classifies acupuncture as a cost-effective treatment strategy in patients with chronic low back pain, according to their cost-effectiveness threshold values. [10]

Back pain, as many of us have experienced, can be an expensive threat to our quality of life. Depending on the cause and severity of the back pain, acupuncture can be a safe and cost-effective alternative or complementary approach to treatment, providing much-needed relief!

If you are one of the many people suffering from back pain, don’t hesitate to get in for some pain-relieving acupuncture sessions. Call us today to schedule an appointment! The sooner you get in, the sooner you’ll experience the benefits!

[1] https://hpi.georgetown.edu/backpain/

[2] https://handsdownbetter.org/health-and-wellness/back-pain-facts-and-statistics/

[3] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2830903/

[4] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4364128/

[5] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6913801/#B12

[6] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15551936/

[7] https://www.hindawi.com/journals/ecam/2019/2326867/

[8] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6913801/#B14

[9] https://www.healthcmi.com/Acupuncture-Continuing-Education-News/619-acupunctureceuslowbackpaincalgaryalberta

[10] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24138020/

When acupuncturists treat back pain in Chinese Medicine, we often focus on 2 aspects of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM): the Kidney system and the concept of ‘qi (energy) & Blood Stagnation’. The low back is the ‘mansion of the kidneys’ and relies on good stores of kidney qi for proper function while qi & blood stagnation is a major contributor to low back pain. Qi and blood stagnation can be due to external factors such as pathogens or trauma, or internal weakness of qi and blood flow related to diet and lifestyle. Many of the bad habits we develop that can induce back pain are repeated poor choices in our everyday lives that cause qi and blood stagnation and/or tax our kidney system.

Let’s look at some of the common problem areas:

We spend about one-third of our lives sleeping so it makes sense that how we sleep is going to have a huge impact on how we feel in our bodies. A major factor that can make or break our backs is our sleep position. The idea is to keep the spine in alignment by sleeping on your back or using a pillow between your legs.  Sleeping on the wrong mattress is another common mistake. Finding the right one can be a challenge as there isn’t one type of mattress that’s best for everyone. The best mattress to keep your spine aligned depends on your body type, hip size, etc., so shop around!  The right mattress and sleeping position are crucial in keeping proper qi and blood flow in the body.

Let’s face it, modern-day life has most of us sitting more than ever in history. Whether we are at a computer, commuting, or just sitting for long periods of time, the mechanics of too much sitting can increase muscle stiffness and put pressure on the discs of the spine. Simple standing stretches or short walks to break up these routines can get that qi and blood moving again and prevent further stagnation in the lower back.

Even if we aren’t living a sedentary lifestyle and are standing and moving more, we need to pay attention to our posture. For many of us, slouching is one of the hardest habits to break. It takes constant awareness to reset a hunched position to one with our shoulders back, chest lifted, and our center of gravity stabilized. It’s a worthwhile effort though as it opens our breathing, delivers oxygen to our cells, and allows for a rejuvenating flow of qi and blood.

We’ve all heard the expression: “Lift with the knees, not with the back”, but when in a rush many of us make the near-fatal mistake of bending at the waist to lift a heavy item and end up putting tremendous pressure on the lower spine and back muscles. Remember to pause, get help when needed, or use tools if necessary. Slow down and practice martial artist-like awareness when your body needs to maneuver with strength and stability.

If your feet hurt at the end of the day, you should look at your shoes. Are they really supporting your feet? Do they fit right? You may even want to consider orthopedic shoes depending on your foot shape and how ‘on your feet’ you are from day today. If our feet are not positioned right, it can cause the hip and lower back to become misaligned.

Another reason this is important is that the kidney channel begins at the bottom of the foot and travels up the legs. We need to make sure that energy in that channel is not impeded as it is a direct source of low back support.

Bad nutritional habits that can directly affect our low backs include eating kidney-depleting foods such as overly salted processed snacks and not drinking enough water. Overeating is another bad habit that can tax not just the kidney qi, but all organ systems and affect back muscles by pulling weight forward.

For additional assistance in changing unhealthy behaviors, moving qi and blood stagnation, and supporting your kidneys for back pain relief and better overall health, get in for some re-balancing acupuncture treatments!


Acupuncture and Chinese medicine has been around for over 3000 years. Chinese medicine is a complete medical system to diagnose and treat disease. Throughout history Chinese medicine has been shown to be an effective form of medicine. For over 40 years, Master Lu’s Health Center in Salt Lake City has been helping people with various health conditions such as low back pain, knee pain, neck pain, stress, and anxiety utilizing acupuncture and Chinese medicine.

Though Chinese medicine has been around for so long, recently there has been more scientific research being done. Most of the research done has been for acupuncture.  Recently, the Austrailian and Chinese Medicine Association did a study called acupuncture evidence project. The project showed several health conditions that acupuncture has been proven to be effective for. Some of the top conditions that acupuncture has been shown to help are migraine headaches, allergies, chemo induced nausea and vomiting, chronic low back pain, tension and chronic headaches, postoperative pain, and post operative nausea. The acupuncture evidence project shows and demonstrates the evidence that acupuncture works.

Among the top health conditions with strong evidence of effective most of the conditions are pain conditions. Acupuncture and Chinese medicine is effective for pain. We treat low back pain, neck pain, knee pain, and arthritis all of the time. You can argue that one of the main reasons someone comes to see us is because of low back pain. Why is acupuncture and Chinese medicine so effective with pain?

Whenever there is no free flow there is pain. Acupuncture will improve blood flow and circulation to help with the pain. The blood flow will facilitate your body’s self healing mechanisms. Acupuncture will also act on the brain releasing different chemicals, hormones, neurotransmitters, and endorphins to promote your body’s self- healing mechanisms.

At Master Lu’s Health Center, we specialize in pain management. We treat a variety of pain problems such as tendonitis, knee pain, bac pain, neck pain, and arthritis. Acupuncture will help you with your pain problems. It will help you feel pain free and improved energy.

Take a look at the acupuncture evidence project. You can see the scientific evidence that acupuncture is effective. If you have been having problems with pain and would like to look into acupuncture, feel free to call us anytime to schedule an appointment at Master Lu’s Health Center.

Fibromyalgia is a complex pain disorder that is has symptoms of widespread pain, fatigue, depression, and sleep disorders.  There have been several treatments that help with fibromyalgia such as acupuncture, Chinese medicine, and Tai Chi.  Master Lu’s Health Center in Salt Lake City has been utilizing acupuncture, Chinese medicine, and exercise to help with fibromyalgia.

Recently there was a research study done that showed regular Tai Chi practice is effective for fibromyalgia, and showed better results than aerobic exercise.  Tai Chi is a low to moderate aerobic exercise.  The study showed that with regular Tai Chi practice pain levels will decrease and energy levels will increase.  Most of the participants also cut down on their medications.

There are several health benefits with Tai Chi.  Tai Chi combined with acupuncture and Chinese herbs will help with fibromyalgia, and help you feel better and more energized.

Come to Master Lu’s Health Center in Salt Lake City to try out a Tai Chi class or schedule an appointment for acupuncture.


Master Lu’s Health Center is the premier center for acupuncture and Chinese medicine in Salt Lake City.  We treat many different pain conditions such as low back pain, neck pain, arthritis, knee, and shoulder pain.  Acupuncture has shown to be effective to treat pain and improve your health and wellness.

Here is a short video clip about how acupuncture helps with pain, and how it works.  If you have pain please contact us at Master Lu’s Health Center anytime to schedule an appointment.

It’s that time of year again. That time of year when everybody starts making New Year Resolution to improve themselves in one way or another. Unfortunately, not many people keep these resolutions much past January. According to Forbes.com, only about eight percent of the people who actually make New Year’s Resolutions, carry them to fruition. That’s not good. While the number of those who drop out of their commitment to their New Years Resolution, there is help to stay on track. You guessed it, acupuncture. Acupuncture is a great way to help achieve the new goals we set for ourselves.

Losing weight is one of the most popular New Year Resolutions. So we commit to join a gym, start dieting, exercising and by the time January ends, most give up. Why is that? It’s too hard. Or is it? Acupuncture has been shown to help in many areas when it comes to losing weight. First, it can help curb cravings. For many, this is huge. Acupuncture can also help balance hormones, which can lead people to eating more than they should and a lot of the things they shouldn’t, like sugary treats. When you add acupuncture to a proper diet and exercise it will greatly increase the likelihood that the weight will slowly come off, which is exactly how it should be approached.

Master Lu's Health Center|Acupuncture|Salt Lake City

One thing that happens after people joint the gym is they tend to overdo it. By overdoing it their muscles become overworked and sore. This is another area where acupuncture can help Relieving pain and muscles spasms is the most common reason people go to see an acupuncturist. Unfortunately, people come to see an acupuncturist after they have tried everything else, with no success. Acupuncture is great at helping to relieve the pains and muscles spasms that come from overdoing it, which will allow you to return to the gym sooner, which will help you with the resolution of losing weight.

The Final area regular acupuncture treatments can help, stress. The Holidays is one of the most stressful times of years, just ask any parent. Acupuncture is a wonderful way to relieve the stress and relax. When you look at the New Year Resolutions, less stress is in the top five. Believe it or not, stress has been shown to contribute to or at least cause at least 10 health related issues. Several Studies have shown that acupuncture can not only decrease stress and anxiety, it can also help lower blood pressure. For those who are on blood pressure medication, this is can help as a adjunctive therapy that could lead to lesser medication and even possibly getting off them altogether. While acupuncture is a great way to reduce stress, there are other aspects of Traditional Chinese Medicine that will also help in reducing stress. Correct, Tai Chi and Qi Gong. These are both Internal Arts, meaning they are more fluid and creates less impact on the joints. So not only will you be able to reduce stress but you will notice more weight loss combining acupuncture and Tai Chi or Qi Gong. It’s a win-win situation!

Now that you are gearing up to tackle your New Year resolution and create a new you, don’t forget to have regular acupuncture to help you in accomplishing your goals. If you are ready to accomplish your goals this year, call us now at Master Lu’s Health Center in Salt Lake City or come in to help you defend your health and become a new you.

Have you been struggling with pain?  Have you been to all of the doctors and you still have a lot of pain problems?  Are you sick and tired of taking pain medications?  We have a great and natural solution for you.  Here at Master Lu’s Health Center in Salt Lake City, we specialize in pain management and pain condition utilizing acupuncture, Chinese herbs, exercise, and nutrition to help you feel better, more balanced, and pain free.


Acupuncture and Chinese medicine has been shown to help with many different pain conditions both acute and chronic.  Acupuncture is effective for low back pain, neck pain, knee pain, arthritis, tendonitis, and other musculoskeletal conditions.  In fact the Acupuncture Now Foundation have come out with some white papers and research on how acupuncture can treat pain, also acupuncture’s role in fighting the opioid epidemic.  You can check out the white papers and research here https://acunow.org/whitepaper/

Acupuncture will improve blood flow and circulation that will promote your body’s self healing mechanisms.  It will also at on the brain and will release your body’s natural pain killers and chemicals such as endorphins, neurotransmitters, and hormones that will balance the body and promote your body’s self healing mechanisms.

Hope this helps you understand more about how acupuncture can help you with pain relief.  If you have any questions feel free to contact Master Lu’s Health Center anytime.

Here is a short video on acupuncture and pain management.




Acupuncture and Chinese medicine is one of the oldest forms of medicine. It has an over 3000 year old history to diagnose and treat disease. It is a systematical and scientific form of medicine and healing. Over the years acupuncture has gained popularity in western countries.   Most people who seek out acupuncture has been for pain conditions such as low back and neck pain. However, because acupuncture and Chinese medicine is a complete medical system for diagnosing and treating disease, it can help you with many other health conditions besides pain.

Recently, the Acupuncture Now Foundation in collaboration with several other organizations put together a white paper that has shows the current research on many health conditions that acupuncture is effective for.

The white paper also goes through in depth how acupuncture works according to western medical terms. Summarizing the paper acupuncture will act on the nervous system of the body. It will act on the brain and release your body’s natural opioids, chemicals, and hormones such as endorphins, seratonin, and dopamine.  Research has shown  that acupuncture will release seratonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. The releasing of these natural substances within the body will allow your body to self heal. Click on this link for the Acupuncture Now Foundation Whitepaper for an in depth discussion on how acupuncture works.

There are many conditions that acupuncture is good for. Pain has been the most common one. Here at Master Lu’s Health Center in Salt Lake City, we will use acupuncture and Chinese medicine to treat low back pain, neck pain, knee pain, and joint pain. Acupuncture is very effective for pain. The acupuncture now foundation in their white paper has shown that acupuncture can be effective for internal diseases such as depression and fertility.

Health Center Utah


The World Health Organization through research has determined that acupuncture is effective for the following conditions:

As you can see acupuncture and Chinese medicine can be used for more than just pain. Some of the common health conditions that we have treated in our clinic in Salt Lake clinic include stroke rehabilitation, high blood pressure, infertility, diabetes, MS, dizziness, eye disorders, side effects from chemotherapy,  depression, emotional disorders, and gastrointestinal disorders.  There are many other health conditions that doesn’t even have a western term for or the physicians don’t know what it is that we treat as well.

Chinese medicine is a powerful and effective medicine that will help you heal your body and improve your health naturally.

If you feel that you suffer from a health condition and don’t want to take many medications please give us a call to see how we can help you regain your health.

Have you been feeling stressed this holiday season?

Do you feel fatigued?

Are you having an increase in pain?

If you are feeling any of these problems or other problems related to your health and wellness, we can help you.  We are offering a limited time offer to help you feel balanced, energized, and less stressed during this holiday season.

Here is the deal… if you want some stress relief, pain relief, or feel better and balanced, we are offering a limited time special for acupuncture treatments.

Acupuncture  will not only help you feel better during this holiday season with all of the stress and sicknesses, but you will also help the community by donating food for the Utah Food Bank.

Acupuncture and Chinese medicine will help you many health conditions:

This offer runs until Dec 23rd.  Come and experience the power of acupuncture and Chinese medicine. Hurry and call Master Lu’ s Health Center to schedule an appointment.

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Master Lu has been practicing Acupuncture and Chinese martial arts for over 40 years. He was one of the first Licensed Acupuncturist in the state of Utah. He was trained in Taiwan in both Acupuncture and Chinese martial arts mainly Northern Shaolin Kung Fu and Old Yang Style Tai Chi. Master Lu was also twice national champion for full contact fighting in Taiwan.

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