7 Ways to Achieve Your New Year’s Resolution

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Every year we set New Year’s resolutions for ourselves we plan to achieve. But many times, we let these resolutions slip away. It turns out it can be harder than you think to turn those new year’s resolutions into reality.

To meet the goals, it will take discipline, hard work, practice, and patience. Here are seven tips on how you can achieve your goals this year.

  1. Make sure your goals are realistic

Don’t set goals that seem impossible. Make sure your goals are realistic. The more realistic they are, the more attainable they will be. We tend to become stressed when we are not achieving the goals set forth for ourselves. Don’t let this potential stress affect you, set realistic new year’s resolutions and reach them.

  1. Set small monthly goals that get bigger over time

Budget out your resolutions. Think about it. If you set a goal to lose 5 pounds during the first month of the new year and achieve it, you will be feeling great and confident you can do more. Try setting a goal of losing 10 pounds the following month, and slowly increase increments until you reach your desired goal.

  1. Stay focused on one goal

It can be easy to start off the new year with a ton of resolutions. You want to be healthier and more active. So, it is only normal for you to set a lot of goals for yourself. But remember, to reach your goals most effectively, you should focus on one specific goal at a time. Once you have completed that goal you can move on to the next one.

  1. You aren’t in this alone

Make sure you have a solid support system around you. Friends, family, colleagues, personal trainers, or workout partners are all great people to make up your support system. Build a support system that will encourage and empower you to reach the goals you have set out for yourself this new year.

  1. Believe in yourself

This may seem a little obvious but putting faith in yourself goes a long way. When the going gets tough it can be hard to truly believe you will achieve the goals set forth. So, take a deep breath, believe in yourself, you can do this!

  1. Front-of-mind awareness

Don’t forget about your New Year’s resolutions. Keep your resolutions in your front-of-mind awareness. Hold yourself accountable and remember your goals. Life can be busy, and at times feels as though it is moving too quickly. But if you keep your resolutions in mind, you can make them a reality.

  1. Start immediately

The truth is… you don’t need to start on January 1st. Pick a date on which you want to start, then write down what your goals are going to be. Remember, a goal that is not written down is simply a wish. As soon as you write down that New Year’s resolution, go out and start making the change happen. I know we have all been there. We are all guilty of having set New Year’s resolutions for ourselves that we don’t reach. This is mainly because we write the goal down and don’t do anything about it on Day 1. The best way to achieve your goal is one day at a time, if you miss a day, start again the very next day, never give up and one day you will look back and see that you have reached your goal and beyond.

We wish you the best of luck in setting and achieving your goals.

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Master Lu has been practicing Acupuncture and Chinese martial arts for over 40 years. He was one of the first Licensed Acupuncturist in the state of Utah. He was trained in Taiwan in both Acupuncture and Chinese martial arts mainly Northern Shaolin Kung Fu and Old Yang Style Tai Chi. Master Lu was also twice national champion for full contact fighting in Taiwan.

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