How TCM Can Improve Men’s Health

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Certain health problems exist in men more frequently than in women, and many of them can be treated easily with traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Afflictions include high blood pressure, depression, urinary problems, stress, and prostate problems, which men often experience. These problems are particularly favorable for acupuncture, a TCM model that dates back thousands of years, along with many other problems.

It has been statistically established that males are less prone to seek help in bodily or emotional unrest without intending to provoke discussion between the sexes. Here, acupuncture can be a significant advantage for men of all ages as a safe, natural, and side-effect-free TCM mode.

The spirit, nerves, and endocrine system can be calmed with acupuncture. All these elements work together to keep the body working correctly. However, the world we are living in nowadays is riddled with tension, worry, and sadness. Specific sites of acupuncture can reduce the heart rate, moderate respiration, and rest the mind in a matter of seconds to minutes. This contributes to alleviating the additional tension that males endure every day.

TCM has a long history of helping infertility and sexual vitality. Many men have a loss of libido and reduced sexual function due to aging. Improper diet, lack of sleep, and long hours at the office affect improperly balanced hormones, sexual problems, and fertility problems.

Simple Acupressure Routine for Men’s Health

Yin Tang: This point is located midway between the inner ends of the eyebrows. Yin Tang is used to treat stress, anxiety, and insomnia. It is also a great point to use for eye issues, nasal problems, and headaches.

Heart 7 (HT-7):   This point is located on the underside of the wrist crease on the outer edge. It is found in the depression on the outer side of the tendon. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, this point is used to calm the mind and heart. It works well for anxiety, stress, and anger too.

Kidney 3 (KD-3): Located in the depression between the tip of the medial malleolus and the Achilles tendon. This point tonifies the kidneys while strengthening the lower back and knees.

Stomach 36 (ST-36): Known as the Longevity Point, this point is located bilaterally on the lower outer leg. It can be found 1 fingerbreadth from the border of the upper tibia and about 3 thumb-breadths below the lower border of the knee cap. This point boosts the energy of the body and stimulates immune function.

Liver 3 (LV-3): This point is located on the top of the foot in the depression between the big toe and the second toe, where the metatarsal bones meet. Stimulating this point helps stagnant blood to move freely again. In Chinese medicine theory, stagnant blood flow can lead to depression. LV-3 is used frequently in traditional Chinese medicine treatments to reestablish the flow of blood throughout the body.

This just touches the tip of the iceberg when it comes to men’s health. But it is easy to see why choosing acupuncture to help keep the body in alignment is a great option, especially for men.

If you are wanting to improve your health, call to schedule an appointment today!

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Master Lu has been practicing Acupuncture and Chinese martial arts for over 40 years. He was one of the first Licensed Acupuncturist in the state of Utah. He was trained in Taiwan in both Acupuncture and Chinese martial arts mainly Northern Shaolin Kung Fu and Old Yang Style Tai Chi. Master Lu was also twice national champion for full contact fighting in Taiwan.

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