What is Moxibustion and How Can it Help.

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When visiting your acupuncturist during the winter months, they may use Moxibustion to warm your cold extremities, lower back, or even your abdomen. Moxibustion is a form of fire heat treatment that stimulates specific acupuncture points of the body and is a great way to warm the body slowly, with lasting effects. Your acupuncturist may also recommend herbs to strengthen your immune system, balance body heat, or to manage stress.

Moxibustion exerts its therapeutic effect by modulating the microbiome and intestinal mucosal immunity. It is used to great effect in tandem with acupuncture points, enhancing and maximizing the effects of the acupuncture needles. Moxa is used both directly and indirectly, depending upon the intended effects.


Moxibustion can be used for many reasons because it provides many benefits and one of the most common uses of moxibustion is to warm the body. Many people who have autoimmune diseases, low immunity, and blood conditions are frequently cold and the warming properties of moxa make it a great choice for these types of conditions (usually those who have a cold or stagnant condition). The practice of Moxibustion expels cold and warms the meridians, which leads to a smoother flow of blood and qi.

Moxa is also a good choice for those suffering from aches and pains. The warming properties of moxa allow it to increase blood flow by warming the blood. Increased blood flow means increased oxygenation to the tissues, muscles, and tendons that are sore.

Another benefit of utilizing moxibustion is increased immunity. Studies have shown moxibustion significantly increases the white blood cell count in the body, which is the major component of the immune system. Moxa strengthens the immune system and helps re-balance autoimmune diseases.

Despite the fact that moxibustion involves the burning of mugwort, it has been shown to be very beneficial for cooling areas of inflammation, which again, relates to blood flow. Moxa improves blood flow to areas of inflammation while promoting the natural radiation function of the skin. This also works on chronic inflammation diseases like arthritis.

As moxibustion has many benefits and can be used to treat multiple diseases and ailments, it might be a good addition to a person’s health regimen. It is recommended that you should see a properly trained and fully licensed practitioner. A quick internet search can easily provide the names of those located nearby. There’s never a better time than now to start incorporating healthy living habits, ask me for more information.

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Master Lu has been practicing Acupuncture and Chinese martial arts for over 40 years. He was one of the first Licensed Acupuncturist in the state of Utah. He was trained in Taiwan in both Acupuncture and Chinese martial arts mainly Northern Shaolin Kung Fu and Old Yang Style Tai Chi. Master Lu was also twice national champion for full contact fighting in Taiwan.

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